Sierra Expedition
Sierra Expedition - YMCA Adventure Guides

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Circle Assignments

Here are the specific circle assignments for the 2012 Jones Gulch campout. See the notes below for more information on what is required to accomplish this task.

Event Assignments

Saturday Breakfast Tioga Clean up dining hall
Saturday Lunch El Dorado Clean up dining hall
Saturday Dinner Clean Up Ponderosa Clean up after dinner
Sunday Breakfast Tahoe Clean up dining hall
Pumpkin Carving Chinook Table covers, carving tools, decorations, set up, pens/cards for labeling entries
Pumpkin Clean-up and Judging El Dorado / Zephyr includes cleaning the carving area, buying 100 prizes, “creating the awards” and presenting the prizes on Sunday AM at the closing ceremony
Jelly Bean Counting Contest Mystic Supplying the container, jelly beans, contest forms and judging, presentation of winner

General Notes

Please save your receipts for any expenses incurred for activity materials. Submit your receipt to the Expedition Treasure Keeper at the Campout (Dave Lemire).

Activities are scheduled for 10-12:00 and 1-4:00 PM on Saturday.

Clean-Up for Meals

Circles are required to assist in cleanup for meals as listed above.

Jelly Bean Counting Contest (Mystic Circle Responsible)

Count and fill a large jar with beans or jelly beans. You need: slips of paper for recording the guess, princess's circle name, and circle; another large jar to hold the guesses. Purchase prize for winner(s).

Jack-O-Lantern Contest (El Dorado and Zephyr Circles Responsible)

Setup in front of the dining hall. Prepare contest entry forms with circle name, princess's name, and grade. See the contest rule sheet. 

Provide for safe carving tools and spoons to clean out the pumpkins in addition to pencils to trace designs, paints, glitter, etc. 

Provide table coverings. 

Organize carved pumpkins on tables according to grade K-5 with paper slips identifying each entrant's carving.  Purchase awards (Affordable Treasures) for all entries.

[Contest entrants are responsible for carrying  their pumpkins into the dining hall.]

[Circle Navigators, led by Chinook Circle Navigator, will judge the pumpkins Saturday afternoon and announce awards on Sunday morning at the Closing Ceremony.]

Clean up after contest is complete.